Catholic Parishes of Western Wayne County
Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester, NY

~ Peace of mind is one of the most thoughtful gifts
you can give your loved ones and yourself ~
When making this important choice, please consider Calvary Cemetery.
Call the office (315-524-2611) with questions or to make an appointment.
Search for graves in Calvary Cemetery at
Note: All graves are not listed on this site. Call the office for more information or to verify information listed on this site 315.524.2611 x 11
If you would like to learn more about the gravesites that are available in our new Calvary Cemetery Extension, call the parish office at 315-524-2611 and we would be pleased to set up an appointment and assist you with any questions you may have. Gravesites are currently $650.00 each.
For visiting purposes, Calvary Cemetery is open from dawn to dusk, if the weather permits.
The cost of a gravesite does not include the cost of interment. The cost of interment is determined at the time of burial.
All graves in Calvary Cemetery are to be Right of Burial in accordance with the provisions of the laws of New York State and shall be used only for the purpose as a burial place for deceased human beings. No animals may be buried in Calvary Cemetery.
There shall be no subdivision of graves, plots and crypts. The Right of Burial means that you have the privilege of interment or entombment, but it does not convey any right, title or interest in or to the land or structures themselves.
Graves may be transferred between family members (no money exchanged). Written notarized authorization for said grave (s) must be in the form of a “Letter of Transfer” which must be completed by the person(s) who originally purchased the grave(s) or the heirs of the person (s) who originally purchased the grave(s). If an owner does not wish to keep the grave(s) they have purchased, the grave(s) may be sold back to Calvary Cemetery for the original purchase price paid.
A Certificate of Right of Burial will be issued.
Graves in Section V shall mean an area of 12 feet in length by 4 feet in width.
Following Diocesan guidelines, winter interments are encouraged if the ground and weather permit. This shall be determined by the person in charge of the cemetery grounds.
All purchasers of Right of Burial are required to notify the Calvary Cemetery Business Office of any change of address.
Markers for the grave are all to be headstones. The headstone chosen must be in accordance with Christian guidelines. Raised, Flat or Bench style headstones are allowed. No footstones are allowed. Headstones should be approximately 32 in. high, 16 in. wide and 36 in. long (single) or 36 in. high, 16 in. wide and 72 in. long (double). A single gravesite is entitled to a single-size headstone (see dimensions above). If a single gravesite is purchased for 2 cremains burials, both names may appear on the single-size headstone. Also, a foundation and concrete border around the foundation for the monument is required. Calvary Cemetery has a company we urge the purchaser to use for the installation of a foundation. The payment for said foundation is not the responsibility of Calvary Cemetery. All headstones and setting of foundation and concrete border must be approved by the Calvary Cemetery Advisory Board.
It is necessary to require graveliners be used for full burials. The use of graveliners keeps the land from sinking and, therefore, preserves the beauty and safety of the cemetery.
All headstones will be on the west side of the grave and the reading on the headstone shall face the east. An epitaph or surname is allowed on the back of the headstone.
Decorative borders (such as rocks, stones, glass, beads, fencing, curbing, etc…) around a headstone or grave itself are not permitted and will be removed immediately at the owners expense. All mowing, excavating and pouring of foundations will be done by professionals and staff only.
The gluing or taping of objects to headstone fronts, which are not provided by the monument company, are not permitted and will be removed by cemetery personnel. The headstone owner is then responsible for the cleaning and/or replacing of the headstone front. Permanent or temporary decals are not permitted on headstones.
Bronze Veterans Plaques are allowed, but must either be adhered to the back of the existing headstone or a foundation and concrete border around the foundation must be used if it will go into the ground as the headstone. Also, any wording on these plaques must be in accordance with Christian guidelines.
Breakable items are not permitted. The staff will remove all glass, ceramic, pottery, statuary and solar lights. Vases, which are attached to headstones, are encouraged. These also add to the beauty of the cemetery.
Fresh cut and artificial flowers are permitted in a non-breakable vase within the 6 inch concrete border. Any decoration deemed old, faded or unsightly shall be removed. The cemetery is not responsible for lost or missing arrangements. Please note: American flags are put in holders for veterans by volunteers.
The Cemetery Advisory Board reserves the right to authorize all planting of trees, shrubs and plants. No other person shall plant or place trees, shrubs or other embellishments, of any kind, in the cemetery. Aisles, walks, roads and other areas may be converted to burial ground as determined by the Cemetery Advisory Board. The grade of all lots, graves, sections, roads, fences or other features of the cemetery shall also be determined by the Cemetery Advisory Board and may be altered when deemed necessary.
If a name is inscribed on a headstone of a person who is not actually buried in Calvary Cemetery, the Cemetery Business Office must be informed for record keeping purposes.
Any conduct by persons not befitting Calvary Cemetery will not be tolerated and should be reported as soon as possible. No alcohol, no loud or foul language, no recreational vehicles, no bicycle riding, skateboarding, roller blading, no picnics, social gatherings or anything that may interfere with the sacred character of the cemetery grounds will be allowed.
All vehicles visiting the cemetery must park in the parking lot.
Any questions as to what is allowed or not allowed at Calvary Cemetery must be directed to the Cemetery Advisory Board.
Loss or Damage
Cemetery Management disclaims all responsibility for loss or damage beyond its reasonable control, and especially from damage by an act of God, the elements, earthquakes, war, common enemy, air raids, invasions, insurrections, riots, an order of a military or civil authority, thieves, vandals, strikers, malicious mischief makers, explosions, unavoidable accidents, or any cause similar or dissimilar beyond the control of the Management.
In the event it becomes necessary to reconstruct or repair any section of the Cemetery, including burial space, which has been damaged by such causes, management will make the necessary repairs to the burial lots and grave space.
If a headstone or foundation that are the property of the burial right holder (BRH) are damaged, management will notify the BRH in order for the BRH to have the necessary repairs made. In the event that the BRH fails to have the damage to the headstone or foundation repaired, management will direct the repair to be made and will charge the BRH. (To be clear, it is understood that Calvary Cemetery is not financially responsible for damage that occurs to a headstone or foundation). In any case management will make any necessary repairs that are necessary to correct a condition that constitutes a hazard to the public.
The Cemetery also reserves the right to take necessary steps that, in its sole discretion, it deems appropriate and necessary to maintain any individual crypt and the mausoleums generally in a respectful, safe and dignified condition.
We urge all BRH(s) to notify Calvary Cemetery of any change of address in order to be able to contact them if necessary. E-mail addresses, telephone and fax numbers are also appreciated and can speed the process of contacting lot and crypt holders.
The Calvary Cemetery Advisory Board reserves the right to make any changes to these rules.