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Adults Night Out!

Friday, September 13th will be the annual St. Max “Adults Night Out”, from 7-10pm at Young Sommer Winery in Williamson. Cost is $10/person and includes snacks & non-alcoholic beverages. Cash bar will be available. For planning purposes, please use the sign-up sheet in the St. Mary’s parish center or call the office to RSVP.


Guided by the Spirit of God and for the love and service of our neighbors, we will join with our pastor, the administrative staff and fellow parishioners to minister to the varied needs of people of all ages and ethnicities within the worship sites of our parish.



We pledge to strive constantly to build an ever stronger parish family in which: 

-  The word of God is proclaimed, celebrated and integrated into daily living

-  We witness the Gospel through our actions of caring and concern for the needs of those around us

-  We are committed to working through social ministry against oppression and injustice

-  We empower all members of the parish community to take ownership in the life of the parish

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